Women Innovators Incubator participants share their extraordinary stories of success with Wired Up Africa

Women Innovators Incubator participants share their extraordinary stories of success with Wired Up Africa

17 March 2022.
By the Award program team

Marie-Chantal Umunyana and Angella Kyomugisha, participants of the Women Innovators Incubator, recently shared their extraordinary stories about how they are striving to solve some of Africa’s healthcare challenges with WiredUp Africa.

Angella Kyomugisha talks about enabling healthcare access to people living in remote and hard to reach areas in Uganda. After getting a first-hand experience of walking long distances while sick searching for affordable quality healthcare during a field trip, she co-founded Kaaro Health. The social enterprise deploys telehealth-enabled modular clinics in the most remote villages to deliver primary healthcare to underserved Ugandan communities.

While delivering vital primary healthcare to underserved communities, Kaaro Health also supports female nurse entrepreneurs to effectively operate and own the modular clinics within three to five years.

Marie-Chantal Umunyana based in Rwanda talks to WiredUp about her continually searching for solutions to her mother’s constant illness when pregnant with her siblings. As a result, she aspired to be a medical doctor, but this road also led her into entrepreneurship as she finalized her university studies in medicine and surgery.

Both Marie-Chantal and Angella are also passionate about the involvement of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). They believe that with more opportunities, funding, and mentorship programs such as the Women Innovators Incubator, more and more women will be encouraged to engage in STEM and contribute to Africa’s progress to sustainable and universal health coverage.

Read their full stories here: Angella and Marie-Chantal