About No To NTDs

Neglected Tropical Diseases, or NTDs, are destructive, dangerous and communicable diseases that affect more than 1.5 billion people globally, 39% of whom live in Africa. These diseases — including bilharzia, trachoma, river blindness and elephantiasis — cause severe disfigurement and other long-term disabilities that create obstacles to education, economic growth, gender equality and overall development. Their burden often falls most heavily on the poor.


But NTDs can be prevented and treated. Speak Up Africa has set out to alleviate suffering from NTDs by galvanizing action among policymakers, citizens and civil society organizations. We also work closely with government departments to build sustained leadership, mobilize foreign and domestic resources and improve the use of NTD data for decision-making.


To bring these diseases out of the shadows, we have organized sporting events to engage youth and highlight the neglect in NTDs; partnered with media to increase the volume and quality of reporting on NTDs; and launched in 2021 a large-scale “No to NTDs” movement and coalition to increase awareness, prioritization and national commitment to accelerate the control and elimination of NTDs in Africa, and more.


The campaign is currently implemented in 5 countries: Senegal, Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger and Guinea, with an impact at the regional level with the creation of a regional CSO No to NTDs coalition launched in 2019, comprised of 12 members, to share information and best practices, align priorities and plan effectively as a group to increase efficiency and impact of collective advocacy efforts.

Bringing Neglected Tropical Diseases Out of the Shadows

Bringing Neglected Tropical Diseases Out of the Shadows

« No to NTDs » Civil Society Network Says No to Covid-19

« No to NTDs » Civil Society Network Says No to Covid-19

A Conversation with WHO on Neglected Tropical Diseases in the context of COVID-19

A Conversation with WHO on Neglected Tropical Diseases in the context of COVID-19

Common african position and the continental framework on the control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases in africa by 2030

Common african position and the continental framework on the control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases in africa by 2030



Papa Djibril Faye

Papa Djibril Faye

Program Officer