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Astou Fall Gassama

Director of Programs

Astou Fall Gassama is a medical doctor specialized in public health with more than 15 years in Community health, Tuberculosis, Malaria, HIV, COVID-19, Health Strengthening and Gender.
The last 15 years, she has been leading projects and programs at national levels. She has supported the Senegal MoH in defining and elaborating the strategy and interventions in Malaria, HIV and Tuberculosis and Strengthening health system at community level.
She has worked as in many NGOs with multiple donors and partners in Senegal and France (IMAJE Santé, Médecins du Monde France, USAID, Gates Foundation, Global Fund, Expertise France, Civil Society, Communities, etc…)
She holds a medical degree, a master’s degree in public health, a post-graduate degree in tropical medicine and Health system in low- and middle-income countries at University Marseille Aix en Province, France.