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Christiane Yelibi

Coordinator of the Voix Essentielles Program

Christiane Yelibi is a seasoned advocate for gender equality and women’s empowerment, currently serving as the Coordinator of Voix EssentiELLES at Speak Up Africa in Dakar, Senegal. In this role, she manages grants from Foundation CHANEL and the Global Fund, supporting women-led Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in health and leadership sectors across Burkina Faso, Senegal, and Cote D’Ivoire. Through capacity building and media initiatives, she advances women’s rights in health decision-making spaces.
With experience acquired both in the United States and in Africa working with major development organizations such as CARE International, UNICEF, and the World Bank, Christiane has focused on women’s empowerment, youth engagement, and education. She has also led research on barriers to economic inclusion and access to health services for women in West Africa.
Focusing on education and network building, she has managed fellowships programs enabling women entrepreneurs and civil society leaders to achieve their professional and organizational goals and connecting them to resources and key individuals.

Christiane is also involved in community service as Secretary General of Stop au Chat Noir – a Cote D’Ivoire-based OSC leading youth engagement in GBV prevention and as Secretary of the Lions Club Abidjan Philia.