Recruitment of consultant to carry out the gender diagnosis of Speak Up Africa and the Ouagadougou Partnership Coordination Unit


Headquartered in Dakar, Senegal, Speak Up Africa is a Policy and Advocacy Action Tank dedicated to catalyzing leadership, enabling policy change, and increasing awareness for sustainable development in Africa. Through our platforms and relationships and with the help of our partners, we ensure that policy makers meet implementers, that solutions are showcased and that every sector contributes critically to the dialogue and strives to form the blueprints for concrete action for sustainable development – from individual citizens and civil society groups to global donors and business leaders.

Since 2022, Speak Up Africa hosts the Ouagadougou Partnership Coordination Unit, a movement launched to accelerate progress in family planning in nine Francophone countries in West Africa.

As a women-led organization, gender equality is in our DNA. Unless women and girls in all their diversity can meaningfully hold leadership positions, make decisions, and allocate resources, our continent will never fully thrive. We support the inclusion of women and girls on public platforms and as leaders and encourage them to significantly participate in decision-making spaces.

In 2021, Speak Up Africa conducted a gender audit which made it possible to develop the 2022-2025 gender strategy. This strategy was developed before hosting the Ouagadougou partnership. This present diagnosis complements the audit already carried out and will aim to strengthen the achievements and consider the specificities of the Ouagadougou partnership.

Through the recruitment of the consultant, Speak Up Africa aims to continue its institutional commitment to gender equality by ensuring that it analyzes its current strategies and approaches from a gender perspective and puts in place approaches and resources for integration of the gender dimension.

Roles and Responsibilities

Objectives of the consultancy mission

The general objective of this consultancy mission is to carry out a gender audit. The gender audit will be carried out over a period of three months to provide information on different needs. The gender audit involves collecting and analyzing information and data available in administrative documents, programmatic technical documents such as activity reports, organizational and structural policies, and strategic, legal and operational frameworks for the promotion of gender and the participation of women in decision-making spheres for Speak Up Africa and for the OPCU projects.

More specifically it will involve:

  • A comprehensive review and analysis of:
    • Speak Up Africa’s gender strategy to identify areas for improvement for better consideration of gender at all levels and the specificities of the OPCU.
    • HR, administrative and financial procedure manuals to identify areas for improvement and potential strategies to implement.
    • Reports and project documents and identify the elements to be put in place for more optimal consideration of gender.
  • Assess capacity building needs based on the gender audit report.


Expected deliverables and timeline[i]

The contract will be executed over a period of 3 months for the following deliverables:

  • A detailed report reviewing the conclusions of the gender audit.
  • A report reviewing the needs to strengthen the SUA and OPCU teams.
  • A collection of recommendations on elements of improvement to be made to policies and internal processes/strategies to be implemented for better consideration of gender at all levels.

[i] All deliverables must be submitted in English and French. If translation costs apply, they must be included in the proposed budgets.

Requested Profile

Consultant profiles

  • At least seven (7) years of experience in public health, gender studies, sustainable development, geopolitics and/or other relevant areas in Africa
  • Proven experience in implementing similar exercises
  • Good knowledge of methods, techniques and tools for data collection and analysis in the context of scoping and baseline studies
  • Excellent analytical, writing and communication skills in French (English is an asset)

Assessment Process

Submission process

Consultants are invited to include the following elements in their proposals:

  • Consultant CV: Detailed CV for each consultant participating in the exercise, highlighting relevant experience, qualifications and specific skills related to this type of project.
  • Similar references: Examples of similar projects previously carried out. These examples must highlight the consultant’s experience and success in projects of a similar nature.
  • Description of the methodology: Complete description of the methodology proposed for carrying out this mission. The methodology must detail the approach of the consultant(s) to achieve the objectives of the exercise
  • Timeline including major milestones: Detailed timeline for the mission, including all major milestones and estimated timelines for each
  • Outline of the structure of the deliverables listed above: Overview of document format, key sections and how results and conclusions will be presented
  • Financial proposal and budget: Detailed financial proposal that presents a breakdown of all expenses related to the exercise.


Proposals must be submitted by email to Yaye Sophietou Diop ( and in copy to Djenebou Diallo ( before July 20, 2024.

Interested in this opportunity ?

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  • Taille max. des fichiers : 64 MB.
  • Taille max. des fichiers : 64 MB.
  • Ce champ n’est utilisé qu’à des fins de validation et devrait rester inchangé.

Apply online :

  • Taille max. des fichiers : 64 MB.
  • Taille max. des fichiers : 64 MB.
  • Ce champ n’est utilisé qu’à des fins de validation et devrait rester inchangé.